The Gut at Peggy’s Cove

Peggy’s Cove is reached by boat through this tiny gap in the granite that lines it’s shore. Vegetation and buildings perch atop the stone. The rise and fall of the tide reveals a band of gold that leads to the horizon beyond the gut. DETAILS 10″x48″ Acrylic on canvas DATE 2010 Original Painting Sold. Available…

Noises Off

A family gathering in the heat of summer. Shifting groupings of family and friends. Dappled sunlight in the garden. Animated conversation. DETAILS 6″x12″ Acrylic on canvas DATE 2011 Original Painting Sold.

Langley Laneway

Winter in Toronto’s east end. The familiar view along our narrow laneway is rendered in blue as the sun rises on a fall of new snow. The rutted path leads the way home…or away.   DETAILS 8″x10″ Acrylic on canvas DATE 2011 Original Painting Sold.


Burchell’s fishstore has stood on the shore of French Village Harbour for as long as anyone can remember. The water this morning was dead calm, reflecting this beautiful landmark as it nears the end of its life. No longer in use, it’s shingled roof deteriorating and the tide lapping at it’s footings, it looks as…

Anchors and Buoys

At Peggy’s Cove, the brightly coloured equipment and boats of the fishers stand in contrast to the muted greys, and blues of rock, sky and sea. There is a relative calm within the cove as the surf breaks on the rocks just beyond the mouth of the cove. DETAILS 6″x12″ Acrylic on canvas DATE 2011…

Winter on the Hill

Our woodshed stands on the hill above the house. It’s wood shingles, once painted white, have aged to a soft grey that belongs in this snowy, grey skied landscape. Even it’s once red trim has weathered to match the stalks of the banks of wild roses that line the path up  the hill. DETAILS 14″x18″…

The Shed

More than 100 years old, this little building with its red door stands firmly on its stone foundation in all weather. Backed by a stand of dark spruce and surrounded by a thicket of wild roses it is reached by crossing a little stream. DETAILS 5″x7″ Acrylic on canvas DATE 2012 Original Painting Sold Also…